The National and International Campaign “Freedom and Justice for Atenco”


Receive a warm but concerned greeting. As you all know, almost 3 years ago, the people of San Salvador Atenco suffered great repression and violence. To the present day, there are still 12 people in jail, some of whom have severe sentences of that surpass 100 years of jail. The processes against these people have been full of irregularities and numerous human rights violations. Since these lamentable events in May of 2006, various actions and initiatives have been carried out to attain the liberation of the unjustly detained people. We face with concern, however, the continuation of their terrible jail sentences.

The National and International Campaign “Freedom and Justice for Atenco” is an initiative of Mexican Civil Society that seeks to attain the freedom of the 12 political prisoners incarcerated during the government repression in May of 2006 in San Salvador Atenco.
The Demands of this campaign are:

Freedom for the 12 political prisoners of Atenco.

Revocation and repeal of their jail sentences.

Respect for the human rights of those in jail.

The end of the criminalization of social movements.

Punishment for those responsible of the severe human rights violations committed.
It is for these reasons that we invite all the organizations and collectives of the international community to participate in this political and social campaign, which seeks to unify our voices in the demand of the end of the criminalization of social protest: freedom to our 12 compañeros in prison and punishment for those responsible for the repression and violence inflicted by the state and federal governments of Mexico.

How can you show your solidarity?

Joining the campaign by registering in our webpage: You can register and support as collectives, committees, or as individuals.

Sending support letters to the political prisoners from anywhere in the world. These can be sent to our website; emailed to; or sent to the daily newspaper La Jornada to the following address:

Informing the rest of your society about the incidents occurred in Atenco, as well as the present situation of the 12 political prisoners. This can be done through information tables, campaigns, political and cultural events, etc.

Finding spaces and organizing interviews for us in commercial and alternative media, in order to speak about the campaign and the case of Atenco. This can be done via telephone calls, Skype connections, video or audio recordings, or written articles.

Inviting more organizations to join this campaign and give their support by participating and organizing events.

Organizing visits with human rights groups in order to produce more information about Atenco.
For more information about the campaign, visit our webpage:
This initiative does not receive funding from any government offices or foundations. Our activities are funded only by donations from whoever wishes to show their support in this way. In order to support us economically, please contact us. Any money received goes directly to support our efforts for this specific campaign. If you have doubts or suggestions for action, you can email us at: